Chrysogonus Okwenna

PhD Student


Chrys is primarily interested in moral philosophy, especially its associated areas of bioethics, applied and normative ethics, and how they intersect with thematic issues in socio-political philosophy and social epistemology. His interests also cuts across African philosophy.

Chrysogonus Okwenna

PhD Student


Chrys is primarily interested in moral philosophy, especially its associated areas of bioethics, applied and normative ethics, and how they intersect with thematic issues in socio-political philosophy and social epistemology. His interests also cuts across African philosophy.

Chrysogonus Okwenna

PhD Student
About keyboard_arrow_down

Chrys is primarily interested in moral philosophy, especially its associated areas of bioethics, applied and normative ethics, and how they intersect with thematic issues in socio-political philosophy and social epistemology. His interests also cuts across African philosophy.