Combined Major in Philosophy and Political Science

The combined major in philosophy and political science is designed for students who want to pair political analysis with philosophical insight. This major might be a good choice if you are interested in topics such as political systems, institutional design, political representation, political and social justice, equality and comparative politics.


Admission to the program is subject to the admission restrictions and application processes that pertain currently to the Major in Political Science. In addition to faculty requirements, the program has philosophy and political science requirements. Admission is by application through the Department of Political Science.


(Please note that courses offered by the Vancouver campus are denoted with ‘_V‘ in Workday, e.g. PHIL_V 100.)

Political Science Requirements:

Students take an 18-credit core plus 12 credits of electives at the 300-/400-level. The 18-credit core consists of POLI 100, 101, 110, 240, 380, and 3 credits selected from courses numbered 340-349.

Philosophy Requirements:

Students take an 18-credit core plus 12 credits of electives. Of these 30 credits, at least 18 must be at the 300 level or above. The 18-credit core consists of:

  • PHIL 230, 330,
  • one of PHIL 240 or 340,
  • 3 credits of history of philosophy from among PHIL 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 371, 378, 388 or ASIA 372,
  • 3 credits from one of PHIL 321, 332, 334, 335, 338, 362, 363, 461, and
  • 3 research seminar credits from among PHIL 418, 426, 431, 432, 440, 450, 452, 455, 469, or 491.

Students are encouraged to take PHIL 220. Students are encouraged to fulfill the research seminar requirement by taking 431, 432 or a topically relevant section of 491 (please see instructor). Students may use any philosophy courses to fulfill their elective requirements excluding PHIL 400 and 401, so long as they earn 18 or more credits at the 300 level or above.

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